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How the coaching guides came to be... 

True learning and wisdom comes from experience, not from memorizing facts and vocab words. And through my passion for the sport, I have been blessed to experience A LOT while participating in the NASP program. However, this also has come with a lot of ups and downs in my forever journey with the sport of archery. And only through those hills and valleys, was I able to find answers while asking the oh so important question: "How can I improve?". 


Through running a NASP program, you will inevitably witness other programs and how they are conducted and how their archers perform. While I was able to find success only because I understood where the archers were coming from, what they were feeling, and what I needed to do to impower them to conquer their battles, I also witnessed an immense amount of struggle with many of other programs. Not only did I see this within my local community but also state and nationwide. This inevitably inspired me to want to help. I began to offer seminars, where I taught and spoke about all of my knowledge that I had gained from my many years as an archer and a coach, but the coaches that I attempted to help, still weren't finding the results that they wanted. So, I realized that it was time to take it up a notch!


I asked myself the question: "What if I was able to create a tool that encapsulated all of the knowledge and experience that I had, and I gave it to archery coaches so they could use and keep it forever?" Hence, the Phoenix Curriculum was born! Here you will find everything documented in detail with step-by-step instructions on exactly how and what was used in the programs that I coached that led us to our success. AND I WANT TO GIVE IT ALL TO YOU! 

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